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How To Organize Your Purse

As busy women, we always need to be prepared for our kids, work, and all of life's surprises. We want to be prepared and ready for everything, but when we start carrying everything we could ever need on our shoulders, we need to be more organized rather than set. So if your excess baggage is weighing you down, it's time to change! There is a way to end all the digging in your purse to find what you need. This blog will show you how to clean and organize your bags.

Why You Need to Organize Your Purse

Keeping your purse organized is essential for many reasons. Carrying around all that extra weight is not great for a woman's health, too. Heavy purses might cause back and neck strain, poor posture, and other problems. Limiting your bag's contents to essentials will make carrying other items like groceries easier. You can also easily find your keys, hand sanitizer, phone, and cards when you need them.

How to Clean Your Purse

1. Empty Your Purse and Sort Out All the Contents

Empty your purse. Be sure to go through your purse's pockets, including the interior and exterior. Lay out the contents on towels or paper towels. Once everything is out, sort out the contents and discard the used receipts and other items you no longer need. Create a grouping of all the things you will carry in your bag by putting together similar items like makeup, medication, receipts, etc.

2. Clean Your Purse

Once you have everything out, use this as a chance to clean your purse. Cleaning will keep the beauty of your purse and will always make them look new. You can clean your bag by turning it upside down and shaking it thoroughly over the trash can to empty any small objects. Turn the lining inside out to shake off any crumbs and lint. If possible, use a lint roller or soft brush attachment to your vacuum to clean out all the residue. Use the right cleaning product and follow the manufacturer's instructions in cleaning your purse to avoid damaging the leather or any material that your purse is made of.

3. Remove Items You Don't Need

Decide what you want to keep in your purse and remove any items you don't need. Throw away things that need to be thrown away, like candy wrappers and expired coupons. Set aside items that don't belong in your purse, like a pair of extra makeup sets.

4. Keep What You Use

Once your purse is cleaned, organize the contents on your purse by keeping what you need. This will depend on your needs and how you organize things. Items that you should always carry in your purse are:

  • Cell Phone with a hands-free set
  • A small bottle of hand sanitizer
  • Individually packaged hand wipes
  • Pens
  • Small notepad
  • Sunglasses with case
  • Small makeup pouch
  • Medication pouch (includes your medicines, band-aid, and feminine products)
  • Wallet with cards, cash, and ID
  • Keyholder with keys
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    How to Organize Your Purse

    1. Pack The Items You Often USe

    These include a wallet, sunglasses, keys, hand sanitizer, face mask, and lip balm. Consider using a purse organizer insert to help organize your things. These will make it easier to reach and grab any item you need from your purse. If you don't have a purse organizer, inserting small pouches can help you contain your item and make things easy to recognize what goes in what bag as much as possible. Use different colored pouches because this will make it easier to tell what is in each pouch. For example, put your lipstick and makeup items in a pink purse, hair items in a black pouch, and bills and receipts in a brown pouch. Make a system that allows you to remember what is in each pouch easily.

    2. Consider Using Travel-Sized Items

    Instead of carrying full-sized items such as lotions and hand sanitizer, opt for travel-sized ones. You may need to refill them more often, but they will save space and lighten your purse.

    3. Putting Your Purse Back Together

    Now that you've cleaned your bags and taken out all those extra items, the last step is to decide what things you use often. Put these items in the most accessible pockets. You can organize your purse vertically if you're using a tall purse or horizontally if you use a short purse.

    How to Organize Your Purse

    Tips for Organizing Your Purse

  • Create a system for organizing your purse so that purse organization will be easier to maintain, such as making a weekly purse cleaning schedule.
  • Use a slim key chain to hold your keys and the most used items like a driver's license, debit card, or work ID.
  • Reduce the amount of makeup you store in your purse. Just bring the basics for retouching.
  • If you're using pouches to store your items, have a separate pouch for each set of items. You don't want to keep your receipt with your makeup!
  • If possible, append a few minutes each night to empty those extra items from your bag and ensure each item is in its home. This way, you'll be able to keep your purse organized and ready for the next day.
  • Another tip that might work for you is keeping a small ziplock-type bag in your purse and using it as your portable trash bag to collect candy wrappers, used tissues, and receipts. This will make it easier to clean your purse at the end of the day.
  • Using a purse organizer insert to organize your purse is a great trick because it makes organizing easy, and you can make switching purses easy and fast.


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